“Human beings are so made that the ones who do the crushing feel nothing; it is the person crushed who feels what is happening. Unless...

A Legacy for Dark Times: Becoming a Balm for All Wounds
"First and foremost, you must listen to your own rhythm, and try to live in accordance with it. Be attentive to what emerges from deep...

She's Got Her Eye on You
No matter how long you hide, how low you lay, how slow you tread through the honey of your destiny, She’s got Her eye on you. It’s not...

Nothing Needs Fixing
Nothing needs fixing. We are held together by Love alone. Annihilated in the Sacred longing. Grace will unravel and reweave us of Her own...

My Heart is a Garbage Pile
My heart is a garbage pile of love. Indiscriminate haphazard reeking. Everywhere my eyes land has me. A no mans land of lost causes, and...

Let Her In
Let the Mother wash away all your small dreams of transcendence. Rest into the discomfort of incompleteness, the imperfection of this...

Kali Takes the World: Dark Night of the World Soul
When in the summer of 2015 I saw the breathtaking image of the goddess Kali, the great Hindu goddess of death, destruction, and...

Kali Takes America: I'm with Her
Courtesy of Rebelle Society Donald Trump became president of the United States. But make no mistake, it is really Holy Darkness that won...

Angels in Aleppo: Heartbreak is the Revolution
The center of the universe just shifted from Standing Rock to Aleppo. Aleppo is the cry of the World Soul. Are we listening? And this...

Truth is an Orgasm You Can't Fake
Everyone is suddenly a 'spiritual teacher' these days pushing the proverbial crack of 'empowerment'. And even though you have indeed come...